Friday, August 3, 2012

Time for a Hormone change

Horses never seem to do what you want them to do. Julie has decided not to go into heat; when the vet came out on Wednesday to check her she still had a huge CL on her left ovary (which means she wasn't going into heat any time soon). He gave me a hormone to short cycle her- it's called estrumate and what it does is that it dissolves the CL and she goes into heat. He said that she'll probably go into a really strong heat by Sunday and that we will be breeding her next week. The down side to this drug is that she is more likely to have twins but since it is dangerous for horses to have twins he is going to have to pinch (abort) one of the zygotes to prevent her from aborting both of them around the 9th month of her pregnancy.

I don't want to have to chose a foal to abort. It's a loss of a life and although it'll only be a ball of cells when he pinches it I still get a sick feeling in my stomach thinking about it.

Now that the initial "yippeee! I get to breed my horse!" has worn off I'm starting to add up the numbers in my head and it's beginning to hit me that I am doubling (if not tripling) my horse expenses and the ball is rolling too fast now to stop it. 

Am I crazy? How on earth am I going to be able to do this. I want a foal from her so badly but I don't know if I can afford it and I can't dig myself into another financial hole.

My high school animal science teacher said that you only want to breed a mare if you want an exact replica of her. At least I'm breeding Julie for exactly that reason. 

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