Saturday, August 3, 2013

Foal Watch

So Julie is 20 days past her due date. She sat for about 3 weeks with no progression my vet finally suggested putting her on Equidone and it was a miracle drug. After three doses she developed a huge udder and there were lots of changes on the milk tests. Her whole body changed. Not sure if she had fescue toxicity or if being sick during some of her pregnancy gave her some issues but well not I'm sitting here at 4 AM watching the foal camera and doing foal watch. Never thought this day would come. It feels like an eternity since I decided to breed her and we went through her who pregnancy. It's been almost a year actually. 354 Days.
My vet wanted me to send her to Tufts to foal out but I just didn't have the money to do it and I was nervous about moving her. I'm a control freak and having her out of my reach was something I just wasn't comfortable with.

 Ok random photo updates. Lexy is the Pinto. She's looking good. I brought her from quarantine to where Julie is boarded and oh you know just turned them out next to each other. I know not the brightest move. Lexy is doing great here at Willow Creek. She is really starting to open up and she is starting to trust more. She actually lets me catch her when it is time to come in. She screams at me because I bring Julie in first and Lexy thinks that I should bring her in first. She's better about being groomed. Still doesn't want to pick up her feet but that will get better with time. Now I just need to get them feet trimmed to a normal length.
 Julie is the bay in the center paddock. She loves having buddies and shade. I'm so glad I got to move her from her old paddock to her new one.
I have to go check on Julie in a few minutes. Hope you liked the update.

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