Sunday, January 13, 2013

The next step in my career

So here's a question:
What does one do when your job is going well; everyone loves you and you enjoy what your doing but you aren't getting the training you want and then you find a job that sounds fantastic- a good stepping stone into the horse industry- the question do I stay or do I go?
It's not that it's a dead end here, where I'm at but I feel like I'm not growing as a rider and that I'm sacrificing my dreams (of competing etc) to be the coach and the trainer.
That saying "those who can't do teach" burns my ears and I want to do; I just never had the opportunity to do. I want to show and I want to be a top rider; but where I'm at right now that won't happen.

I have my horse (soon to be 2) and I have to think about and can I afford to move down to VA with two horses? One that is semi-retired and the other that won't be doing anything for several years...
On the plus side the farm is an active breeding facility and they do eventers and dressage and it sounds glorious.

I am a loyal person so I will not leave my job for now but I hope that when it is time for me to leave that that position down in VA is open and that I'd be able to work there.

I've always been career minded; I guess I need to weigh the options.

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